We know you have questions
Who Can Be A Member?
Technically, anyone can be a member. When membership is open, we look for like-minded individuals who would enjoy our adventures and we would enjoy adventuring with. Sound a little hard to nail down? Not really, we like people who like people and appreciate fun and adventure. Do people like you? Are you fun to be around? You might fit right in. Membership is by invite or application only when open. If you've gone through the site or have seen Brant's Instagram page and thought, "this looks amazing, how do I get in?" - you get it.
Is There A Membership Fee?
No. Right now membership is free and there are no dues. The membership pricing and exclusive benefits come from participating adventure suppliers and get passed on to the members. Reject Average is a non-profit club.
How Do I Go On An Adventure?
Once an adventure is posted in the calendar, a notification goes to all the members based on the membership criteria. If we are sailing and you checked the "I get seasick" box on your profile questionnaire, you won't receive the invite. From there most times it's a first in - first on system depending on the activity. If it's a Brant-guided excursion, he will, of course, have the final say on who joins.
How Many Events Do You Do A Year?
It varies from year to year, but we generally do 40 member events and 24 Executives Experiences. Corporate excursions are run through our consuting division and will have 36 spots per year.
Do I Have To Be Rich To Be A Member?
Absolutely not. We have adventure weekends that range from $50 to $5k and everything in between. We do family excursions, local fun stuff, Brant hosts events at his house, and we'll travel halfway around the world. There is something for everyone. The estimated cost of each adventure is sent in the invite.
I'm A Guide or Tour Operator, How Do I Get The Club To Come?
You can send us an email at info@rejectaverage.com and give us a detailed overview of your operation. There are no requirements to being chosen as an adventure. If it looks fun and exciting and unique, we're probably interested. Understand that we get more requests in a year that we can accommodate, so we can't make any promises. Currently, Brant is making a film about travel and adventure around the world, so the '24 -'25 season will be focused on global experiences, with limitedslots open.
How Do I Get On The Executive Experience List?
The Executive Mastermind program is open to CEO and Corporate Leaders and is by invite only.
Will You Plan My Corporate Retreat?
Yes and No. R.A. Consulting does plan corporate retreats for companies and organizations of all sizes and budgets, but there is an application and interview process because of the guided nature of the events. All corporate retreats are custom designed and developed through intereaction with Brant and the team directly.
Do You Accept Sponsors?
Very rarely. As a non-profit we are not in need of funds, so sponsors are generally not needed. We do exchange goods and services for member-preferred pricing and benefits. But this is on an individual and case by case basis. If we support a brand or company, we're happy to promote and share as a personal preference. All of Brant's Amazon recommendations are not paid and are purely from personal experience.